PhD Candidates are admitted to the final examination after their thesis has been revised by two external examiners (see the third-year deadlines page for details). The two external examiners can propose either the admission to the final examination (thesis defense) or, if significant additions or amendments are needed, the deferral of the thesis defense for a period not exceeding six months.
The final examination is scheduled between January and March for Candidates that completed their three-year program on September 30th and are admitted directly to the thesis defense, while it is shifted forward in the following cases:
- Candidates completing their three-year program later than September 30th;
- Candidates that requested an extension of the deadline for the submission of their thesis;
- Candidates whose final thesis submission was deferred upon request of the external reviewers.
Detailed information regarding the final examination procedure and related topics can be found in the University PhD Programs webpages.