Your first tasks as a new PhD Student are to (1) find a potential Supervisor; discuss with your potential Supervisor (2) the outline of your three-year research project and (3) the plan of study, i.e. the courses and other learning activity that you shall take in order to improve the knowledge and skills required to carry on your project. Your Supervisor and your Study and Research Plan proposals must be approved by the Board of the PhD Program.
To this aim, you must fill the Study and Research Plan form (see Forms and Links below). Then, print and sign the form, have it signed by your potential Supervisor, and upload a scanned pdf version of the signed document to the PhD Program eLearning platform (requires SSO authentication; see Forms and Links below) within the deadline that was communicated to you by the PhD Program Coordinator during the Welcome Meeting (normally, end of October / early November). Please, remember to upload also the docx/odt source file.
Your proposal will be examined by the Board of the PhD Program in the first meeting of the new academic year (normally in mid/late November).
You are permitted to make changes to your Study Plan until the end of June of your second year of study. All changes must be discussed with your Supervisor.
Do not forget to enroll in the courses you plan to attend before the first lecture (follow the link below). Please note that some courses organized in cooperation with other Departments/PhD Programs may use a different enrollment platform, which is reported in the Catalogue.
Forms and Links
- Study and Research Plan form (docx, odt)
- PhD Program Course Catalogue
- SRP form upload area (requires SSO authentication)
- Course Enrollment Form (requires SSO authentication)