Student Funding Support

In order to support their research activity, students may benefit from different funding sources. Please keep in mind that only the administration can place orders so, before buying anything, you should contact the purchase office either through the Helpdesk or by writing an e-mail message to For travel expenses, please follow the procedure outlined in Student Mobility page.

1. Student budget for research activity

Students can rely on a personal allowance amounting to around €4000-4500 (the exact amount depends on the PhD cycle) that can be spent from the beginning of their first year that can be spent for:

  1. mobility;
  2. conferences, workshops, webinars subscription fees;
  3. consumables for research activity (e.g., electronic components, chemical reactants, audio and visual support, printing, …);
  4. publication fees;
  5. specific courses for research purposes (e.g., language courses)
  6. books and articles (hard-copies or digital);
  7. software for research (licenses, etc.)
  8. computing hardware for research (table, personal computer)

Students enrolled under specific programs (Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions, China Scholarship Council, Guangzhou University Exchange Program, Industrial Doctorate, Apprendistato in Alta Formazione e Ricerca) have their own allowance with different limits.

2. Mobility Support from the PhD Program Budget

Currently the PhD Program supports long mobility only, with a contribution of 1000 €/student for the whole three-year program. This limit is subject to change depending on the funding transferred by the University to the PhD Program.

3. Supervisor Funding

Supervisors may support their PhD Students activity using their own funds, depending on availability and opportunity considerations.